When will you ship the order?

After you place an order, it takes us 1-3 business days to complete the processing, packaging, and shipping. We typically ship all orders within 3 days (public holidays and peak sales seasons may cause slight delays). Once shipped, you will receive an email containing detailed shipping information. For more details, see our shipping policy.

Can I change the recipient or shipping address?

Once the order is shipped, it cannot be canceled or have its shipping address changed. Please make sure to provide the correct address during checkout.

How do I track my order?

We use well-known courier services like DHL Express, FedEx, UPS, or others to deliver your package. After shipping, you will receive an email containing your tracking number. You can inquire about the latest status by contacting us via comments on our official Instagram, TikTok, FB accounts, or by emailing support@nex-vibe.com. Alternatively, you can visit 17tracking.net. We anticipate that your items will arrive within 7-10 days, although this may vary depending on your location.

Can I return or exchange items?

Oops! Please note that all of our products are made-to-order, providing you with a one-of-a-kind garment specially crafted for you. As all items are custom-made, we currently do not accept any form of returns or exchanges, except for quality issues. For more details, see our returns and exchanges policy.
If you need help, please contact support@nex-vibe.com.

What size should I order?

See the size chart.

Can I save images that I generate myself? Do I own the copyright?

The content you create is generated through Nex-Vibe's text-to-image large model. We currently do not support the separate downloading of patterns on clothing. Nex-Vibe is also an open community, allowing others to view images generated using our technology in public settings. By using our website services, you authorize Nex-Vibe to do so. At present, our services are free and unlimited; therefore, all copyrights of images belong to NEXVIBE LIMITED. Please refer to the statement about the copyright of your created content for more details.

I don’t want to be constantly bothered by marketing emails.

Don't worry. We don't send out marketing emails frequently. We prefer that you enjoy this innovative way of purchasing trendy clothing, instead of being overwhelmed by ads. However, please make sure not to mark our official email as spam, as you might miss important order information. New users who register on our website will receive a 20% discount coupon, which you can use in your order.
If you have any suggestions, feel free to email hi@nex-vibe.com. We offer coupons or other rewards for helpful suggestions. We hope you enjoy!